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Jasmine Brunet repeats her “siren song” in the Leader Test, scaring participants and impressing the web.  “Melody Falset”

Jasmine Brunet repeats her “siren song” in the Leader Test, scaring participants and impressing the web. “Melody Falset”

Jasmine Brunet's scream frightens the participants and the audience at home.

Jasmine Brunet's scream frightens the participants and the audience at home.

Image: Reproduction, Globoplay/Purepeople

During the commander's testWhich happened on Thursday (11) Jasmine Brunet He let out a very loud scream that shocked the audience at home. The model was nervous about the audition and couldn't avoid the “siren song” as she was nicknamed. The people of the house also heard the sound and asked Yasmine to play it again, which frightened those who were not around.

Yasmine Brunet and her song “Siren”

This Friday afternoon (12), Some participants were talking in the room. Beetle commented on that scream Yasmin Brunet performed during the captain's test. 'she Made a mistake [lá na prova]. She really held it', He said. Participants then asked her to reproduce the sound of the “mermaid song.” 'Reducing volume there and productionMatthews said, already preparing himself for the loud voice. “They'll faint in there too.”“Denizian joked.

Then Yasmine Brunet let loose and showed all her power in her voice. However, the participants who were in the kitchen did not know what was happening in the room. So, Isabel, Marcus, and Luigi came running into the room, very frightened. Watch the moment:

The Internet is impressed by Yasmin Brunet's screams

Yasmin Brunet's cry echoed across the Internet. Even during the captain's test, netizens were shocked by…

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