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J car stoned by Corinthians fans when leaving a buffet with family in Sao Paulo

J car stoned by Corinthians fans when leaving a buffet with family in Sao Paulo

His car, center forward Joe, was stoned and harassed last Wednesday night as he was leaving BOVET in the city of São Paulo. He was taking part in an event in the eastern region of São Paulo to launch a summer clothing collection with his family when he was questioned.

report My Timon He had access to photos showing a relaxed atmosphere at the buffet while playing a song, and then, what would be his car being chased by fans, during the Wednesday night/Thursday dawn.

“It’s Gaviões, fi…da p….that Jô is a burglary….it was him, my brother,” says some fans as the car leaves the scene. Fans are even saying that striker Gustavo Mosquito will also attend the event. athlete, however, He was at home with his wife and two children according to his social networks – and he doesn’t usually go out at night.

The event at which Joe concluded the “summer conference” of the clothing brand Poh, for which the athlete owns a franchise, and included a concert of Turma do Pagode. In the photos the report was able to access, a few people wore masks – including Joe – but there was no crowding.

The player released an official memo on Thursday afternoon reporting what happened and asking for respect. Joe claimed that no one was hurt.

“Last night (July 21), I had an unacceptable situation. I was in my car with my wife, when my car was stoned, around 11 pm (…) Fortunately, no one was hurt, but my wife was shaken by what happened and feared that our family would be attacked again. Fans should not be collected this way. Respect me and my familyThe player wrote See in full below.

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It should be noted that earlier this month, a video of the attacker leaving an alleged secret party was published, but Joe himself made a statement, also through videorefute the position.

Check out the official note issued by striker Jô

“Last night (July 21), I went through an unacceptable situation.

I was in my car with my wife when my car was stoned around 11 pm.

At that time, we were in the 2022 summer sales agreement for the BUH brand, which we own for the Shopping Tijuca unit.

The sales conference started on Monday (July 19), every day we participated in training, presentation, and showroom shopping, and closing the conference on July 22, 7pm, at Mooca.

In this place, there was a presentation of items from the new group worn by the members of the band that ended the event and this fact happened.

Buh is a clothing brand, we own and participate in a company event.

What happened when the event came out was unfortunate.

Fortunately, no one was hurt, but my wife was shaken by what happened and feared that our family would be attacked again.
Fans should not be collected this way.

Respect me and my family.”

See more at: J and Corinthians fans.