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Itaú urges customers to stop doing this

Itaú urges customers to stop doing this

Itao is making a big announcement and you need to know about it now

Itaú, thinking about the safety and well-being of its customers, issued a statement so that they do not fall into the trap of scams carried out by criminals on the web.

The bank confirms that these fraudulent operations are carried out via the WhatsApp application, social media networks, and even directly via the WiFi network in public places.

To this end, the bank explains that the WhatsApp scam can take place in two different ways: In the first, the fraudster calls pretending to be an employee of the bank or another institution, and during the call convinces you to enter the code that is sent. Via SMS.

Itau - photo: reproduction
Itau – Image: Reproduction

Taking advantage of the situation, the criminal gained access to your WhatsApp account, which was activated on his device, and started asking his contacts for money.

Another way the fraudster carries out the scam is by creating a WhatsApp account in his name, using photos and data he obtained from the Internet.

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Itau confirms that these criminals pretend to be from the bank and send links in emails, SMS, WhatsApp or in social media inboxes.

Itau - photo: reproduction
Itau – Image: Reproduction

Itao also confirms that scams can also be carried out on official networks, when criminals create false profiles (also called “fake profiles”) on social networks, in the name of large companies, which offer Exaggerated discounts during purchases, in addition to non-existent services and benefits.

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Once a person communicates, he takes the opportunity to extract important information or even make fake sales and deals.

Finally, Itao explains that customers should never make purchases on devices other than their own, and that they avoid using Wi-Fi in public places, as they may fall for scams of this kind.

What is the organization’s official phone number?

  • Capital cities and urban areas. 4004 4828.
  • Other locations: 0800 970 4828.
  • For overseas customers: +55 11 4004 4828.

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