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“It was really hard for me”;  Celine Dion opens the game with an emotional video, revealing that she has been diagnosed with a rare, incurable disease;  Singer postpones her tour again

“It was really hard for me”; Celine Dion opens the game with an emotional video, revealing that she has been diagnosed with a rare, incurable disease; Singer postpones her tour again


Celine Dion spoke about her health, this Thursday (08), and explained the rare and incurable disease with which she was diagnosed.

Celine Dion announces she has a rare and incurable disease
🇧🇷 Play / InstagramcelinedionCeline Dion announces she has a rare and incurable disease

Celine Dion used social networks, this Thursday (08), to reveal to the public that she had a rare and incurable neurological disease, and therefore had to postpone it. He returned from his 2024 world tour🇧🇷 The 54-year-old singer said she suffers from Stiff Person Syndrome, which causes problems with walking and speaking.

“I’ve been dealing with health issues for a long time, and it’s been very difficult for me to face these challenges and talk about everything I’m going through. I have been diagnosed with a neurological disorder Very rare, it is called stiff person syndrome [ou síndrome de stiff person]Which affects 1 in a million people,” the singer began in the video posted to Instagram.

She continued, “While we are still learning about this rare condition, we now know that this is the cause of all my cramps. It pains me to tell you today that this means I will not be ready to restart my European Tour in February. An amazing team of doctors are working with me to help my children.” darlings to get better, who support me and help me🇧🇷

Celine Dion’s Courage-themed tour was supposed to pass across the US earlier this year, but health problems prevented her from returning to the stage. She was scheduled to return in February 2024, performing in Germany, Switzerland, Poland, Hungary, Croatia, Austria and the United Kingdom. The last performances of the singer took place in 2020.

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