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It is possible to withdraw from the FGTS after 3 years without official work

It is possible to withdraw from the FGTS after 3 years without official work

FGTS (Fundo de Garantia do Tempo de Serviço) is a right of all workers provided for by labor law. In short, the benefit is like a reserve fund developed with the aim of supporting the worker in the event of unfair dismissal.

However, it is not only this separation without just cause that guarantees FGTS, where the refund may be made in other cases provided by law as well. In this way the fund can be withdrawn, for example, at the time of your retirement, when you reach the age of seventy, in case of public disasters and some other reasons.

In short, citizens who have been unemployed for 3 consecutive years will be able to withdraw the total FGTS balance. However, the person will be able to redeem the available amounts in all accounts linked to the fund. Since, for each business relationship a person has, an account is created so that the FGTS deposit can be made from month to month.

Therefore, you have the right to withdraw for more than 3 consecutive years without registering in the wallet, that is, working in some activities in an informal way does not make it impossible for a citizen to access the amount. Therefore, being unemployed does not mean not working with an official contract, in these cases, recovery is possible only from the month of the person’s birth, after completing 3 years without official work.

If the person is interested and meets the criteria described here, he/she must submit an application at Caixa Econômica Federal, the body responsible for the FGTS transfer. Hence, it is necessary that you carry the required documents, such as the photo document, PIS / Pasep / NIS and a Work Card and Social Security (CTPS), with the aim of proof of time without an employment relationship.

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