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Is your Android device slow?  Know that this is a common mistake and you can correct it

Is your Android device slow? Know that this is a common mistake and you can correct it

If your device is slow to work, know that the operating system is not to blame. You’ve probably noticed the slowness of the device, with long response delays, and wondered about the operation of the Android system.

What happened to the devices?

The first alternative is always to restart your phone, but keep in mind that it will not solve your problem. The fact is that the device may be slightly close to its full memory capacity, which directly affects the work of the storage.

When the device gets close to filling the memory capacity, it becomes slower and not working at its full capacity. And it was exactly about the cell phone storage that Google needed to make a statement to users. Know that your cell phone still has salvation!

How do you make Android faster?

Google has warned that the problem with the slowness may be the lack of memory on the device. In the device settings, the user can check how much storage is still available, and these details may vary depending on the manufacturer’s instructions.

For your happiness, know that it is easy to free up storage space on the device. First, start by deleting excess photos, videos, movies, and music, as well as being able to discard other files you don’t use, such as documents and messages. In the settings it is also possible to check exactly what is blocking the process.

Unused files will not be missed, even if you rarely need them, and deleting them will still improve the capacity of your smartphone.

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In addition to the memory, the cell phone may be old and have outdated functions, which means that it is time to update to a new Android software, or if the mobile phone does not have other updates, it will be necessary to change the device.

Anyway, the most common is the storage limit. Getting rid of unnecessary documents and unusable apps will ensure more time on your Android device.