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consulta valores a receber

Is the query about the amounts owed again released by the Central Bank? know more

After the success of the first phase of consultation with Central Bank (BC) Receivable System (SVR)Many people are waiting for the second stage to begin. Namely, this operation came to inform customers who have conducted bank transactions in recent years that they may have forgotten some money in their accounts. Now, BC reports that some news will be introduced in hopes of delving into financial transactions. Do you want to know more details? Continue reading our article below.

Consult receivables
Have the amounts owed already been released? – Photo: Marcello Casal Jr / Agência Brasil

Has the query on the amounts due have been edited?

The saga continues when the second stage of the SVR will be released. to me B.C.E.The tour, scheduled to begin on May 2, remains unannounced. Initially, this delay was caused by the strike of the enterprise servers that occurred at that time and delayed all operations. However, the hiatus ended more than 40 days ago, and since then there has been no further information about a new period for the consultations. on the same site (valorareceber.bcb.gov.br), there is a message stating that the system is still pending for improvement.

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Planned changes for the second phase.

Only in the first stage of SVRIn April of that year, B.C.E. I was informed that there were R$8 million to be recovered by the citizens but only half of this was withdrawn. Now, the rest is expected to be rolled back in a second stage that should bring some changes such as no need to schedule forgotten fund withdrawals, unlike in the first stage. So, if you find any amount to receive, the person can do the refund process immediately.

In addition, SVR intends to rely on new information passed on by financial institutions and this means that those who did not find the receivables have a new opportunity where the data will be updated. This way, once the system is up and running, you only need to access it valorareceber.bcb.gov.br Log in with your CPF and date of birth.

Soon after, the SVR should inform if there is any money to be refunded and will inform the bank who should return it, the amount and its origin. Then just click on the option “Ask here”to receive via Pix, or in the option “Order Via Institution” To match where you want to receive it.

Forgotten Values ​​in Salary Bonus

There is other money that workers may be entitled to that they don’t know about related to the PIS/Pasep salary bonus, which is currently about 24.6 billion Rls. In all, it is expected that about 10.6 million workers in the state will be entitled to a refund, which is equivalent to an average of about 2,300 Brazilian reais per capita.

It should be noted that the group with the right to money consists of those who carried out business activities between 1971 and 1988, provided that they worked with an official contract at that time. The rule applies to both those working in the public service and those who have been in the private sector.

In addition, the funds were transferred from PIS / Pasep to FGTS, since the old PIS / Pasep fund is no longer active today. Therefore, the consultation can be done online through the FGTS application and more details can be found at the address: https://fgts.caixa.gov.br/.

6 Places You’ve Forgot Values

Since receiving additional money is always a positive thing, especially in the current economic climate of the country, it is worth highlighting six places where citizens can forget about money and not even know it. In this sense, the first is through the system of values ​​due from the Central Bank, as previously mentioned.

However, there is also the possibility of funds being available through PIS / Pasep, for example, for the base year 2019 and 2020, which thousands of Brazilians have not yet withdrawn.

Another available source is the FGTS, where there are different types of withdrawal, more than 14, and citizens may end up forgetting to check this, because they believe that the amount can only be taken in cases of unfair dismissal.

In addition, there is also an income tax refund, the last payment of which will be paid later this month, on September 30.

The fifth option is by INSS, in the case of insured persons who have requested a review of benefits and gained this right. Thus, the values ​​may be available and it is necessary to be attentive to be able to retrieve them.

Sweepstakes can be another source of forgotten money, people can win prizes and not check tickets, the maximum redemption period is 90 days.

Need money? Learn how to apply for in-app credit

Finally, if you are one of the millions of Brazilians who need value at the start of the month, stay tuned.

At this point, it is possible to apply for a loan through the application, without leaving home.

Namely, credit is available through Caixa Tem. According to the bank, it is possible to obtain the following values:

  • R$1,000.00 for individuals;
  • 3,000.00 BRL for individual micro-entrepreneurs (MEIs).

The good news is that to make this application, it is only necessary to have an updated Caixa Tem account. However, to make it easier, we will give you a step-by-step to apply for a loan in the application:

  1. Download the updated version of the Caixa Tem app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=br.gov.caixa.tem&hl=pt_BR&gl=US;
  2. Log in to your account using your digital account data;
  3. Now, in the main menu, find the option “Hire Caixa TEM Credit”;
  4. Answer all questions and confirm the information;
  5. Now choose the amount you want to order;
  6. Specify the date of credit repayment and the number of installments;
  7. Finally, enter your Caixa Tem password.

Finally, wait a few days for the Caixa evaluation and check for response. The money goes to the account itself.

see also: The minimum wage is still higher than this amount; The news sparked controversy among Brazilians