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Is the PIS/Pasep allowance payment schedule available?

Is the PIS/Pasep allowance payment schedule available?

PIS/Pasep Salary Bonus is one of the benefits that are waiting for workers who are working with official contract annually, after all, when they comply with the rules, workers can get additional minimum wage per year with bonus.

The biggest expectation regarding the next schedule of allowance payments is related to the postponement of entitlement to workers who have worked on a formal contract in 2020 and will only receive the benefit next year due to the decision of the Workers Support Consultative Council. Codedat Fund.

Does Abono already have a new calendar set?

One of the most frequent questions we receive is about the new custom payment schedule. However, we need to clarify that the new payment schedule will only be available in January.

The calendar will be for January, when the government will evaluate the information from the RAIS (Annual Report on Social Information) sent in October by the companies, which will determine which workers are entitled to PIS/Pasep and, in turn, define the calendar. This process will take four months from October to January.

Who will receive?

  • who worked on an official contract for at least 30 days in the previous year;
  • They receive minimum wages per month at most;
  • Has been registered with PIS/Pasep for at least five years;
  • The company he works for must have properly reported the data to the government through RAIS.

How much will I receive?

The amount paid by PIS/Pasep is one minimum wage for the current year i.e. workers may get minimum wage of 2022.

However, the amount that will be received will depend on the number of months of work, for example, those who worked all year round receive the minimum wage, while those who worked less receive proportionately.

To find out the amount of simple profit, just take the value of the minimum wage, then divide it by twelve (12 months of the year) and multiply it by the number of months worked.

How do I know if I am eligible for the allowance?

To determine if a citizen is worthy of the PIS / Pasep salary bonus, he can consult as follows:

PIS (Private Company Worker):

Pasep (public server):

  • Through Banco do Brasil call center phones: 4004-0001 (capitals and metropolitan areas); 0800729 0001 (other cities) and 0800729 0088 (hearing impaired)