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Is psychoanalysis a science?  If not, what is it anyway?  Read books to delve deeper into this topic

Is psychoanalysis a science? If not, what is it anyway? Read books to delve deeper into this topic

Latest book release What is this bullshit!in Natalia Pasternak that it Carlos Orsi, brought back an old debate about psychoanalysis and its status as a science or not. This work provoked a response from intellectuals and psychoanalysts, who claim that understanding of the field does not depend on the scientific method, as the authors suggest, but on a broader idea of ​​science.

And in the midst of this discussion — and word of mouth that has sold nearly 10,000 copies, according to Editora contexto, since its launch in mid-July — a good idea is to go back to the core notions of an idea. Psychoanalysis and their contribution to the human experience.

Hey condition I selected some books that present important theories in Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), such as The Interpretation of Dreams, which shows, through topical excerpts, how psychoanalysis can help us understand the world around us.

Analysis: Literature was the art that influenced Sigmund Freud the most

The father of psychoanalysis wrote several articles that took literary works as their starting point. Watch Louise Zanin-Uriquio’s analysis

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