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Is it a spaceship?  “Fireball” appears in UK skies;  See pictures

Is it a spaceship? “Fireball” appears in UK skies; See pictures

UK Meteor Network releases ‘fireball’ image across sky

Photo: Background / Twitter @UKMeteorNetwork

Hundreds of people in Scotland, Northern Ireland and parts of England have A fire ball It crosses the night sky today, Wednesday (14). UK Meteor Network, a group of 170 people Cameras All over England to record information about MeteoritesReports of sightings started coming in around 10pm (local time).

“There were around 800 reports of fireball sightings in the UK last night. The preliminary trajectory was calculated by the IMO [Organização Marítima Internacional, na sigla em inglês] And what we now believe to be space debris indicates that it may have fallen into the Atlantic Ocean south of the Hebrides. [arquipélago na costa oeste da Escócia]” said the UK Meteor Network in a tweet.

Pictures taken by the team are used Scientists To determine whether the object is actually space debris or a meteorite – whether it actually fell into the ocean or burned up. Initial calculations indicated that the object would have traveled in a north-northeast direction.

Astronomer Steve Owen of the Glasgow Science Center told the BBC the sighting was “amazing”. “Usually small shooting stars burn up and everything disappears into the atmosphere and evaporates,” he said. “But last night this object was bigger than normal shooting star fragments.”

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