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IR 2021: 869302 Taxpayers fall into the fine grid;  See what to do if this is your situation

IR 2021: 869302 Taxpayers fall into the fine grid; See what to do if this is your situation

tax authority

(Credit: Julio Ricco/Shutterstock.com)

GONÇALVES (MG) – This Thursday (30), the Internal Revenue Service announced that 869,302 taxpayers have fallen into the exact grid referring to the 2021 income tax. The figure represents 2.4% of the 368,68780 documents delivered in this year’s edition of GO.

Today was also revenue release day Payments of the fifth and final installment of IR Redemption. If you haven’t been covered, your statement will probably be in good network.

The omission of annual-adjustable income (from permit holders and dependents) and inconsistency in deductions from the tax base (such as medical expenses) were the two main mistakes that have pushed taxpayers into a subtle tangle, according to a statement from the IRS.

Getting caught in the Internal Revenue Service’s micro-network It means that your statement will be retained due to an error, such as an incorrect value, omitted income, wrong registration information or even potential fraud under analysis.

In order to get a bigger refund or a reduction in the taxes owed, some taxpayers tend to omit something or tell a “little lie” to the tax authorities. But cheap can be expensive.

Errors and inconsistencies in advertising can result in fines, and eventually, fraud can result in a taxpayer being charged with a tax crime.

See below for questions and answers on how to proceed with the infrared microgrid:

What happens when there is an acknowledgment error?

On noticing any discrepancy between the information declared by the taxpayer and its database, the revenue reports that something is not striking and what is the outstanding issue that needs to be clarified through its electronic service system, o e kak.

How to access e-CAC?

On the tool’s website, you only need to inform the CPF, access code and password. In the menu on the left, click on the “My Income Tax (DIRPF Statement)” option. Under the ‘Processing’ window, simply click on ‘Pending Network’. After that, the system will tell you if there is any comment in your permit.

How do I get the e-CAC access code?

System code is available on the IRS website. CPF, date of birth, and tax return receipt numbers for the past two years are required.

Are minor problems with your tax return easy to correct?

In theory, yes. If the taxpayer is notified of any inconsistency and realizes that he has already made a mistake when declaring, the error can be corrected by Submit an IR correction statement, which was done in the original advertising program itself.

Once the correction is made, if there is a tax due, Revenue imposes a penalty of 0.33% for each day of delay, limited to 20% of the IR amount owed. The notional interest, which is equal to the change in the Selic rate accrued in the period, is also calculated.

What if revenue points to a meaningless contradiction?

If the taxpayer is notified by the revenue, but is sure that there is no mistake in his declaration, it is possible to provide clarifications to the tax authorities and prove the correctness of the information contained in the return through official documents and records.

Can I expect a revenue to be called to correct my income tax return?

Yes, the procedure is called “DIRPF Loop Preserved Analysis Advance”, and it can also be done directly No e-CAC. Simply click on the “My Income Tax (DIRPF Statement)” option. In the “Processing” option, click on “Expect Network Declaration Documents to be Delivered,” and follow the instructions.

What if I am summoned by the IRS?

The information provided will also be via e-CAC. In the “Processing” field, click “Reply a subpoena or notification by tax mail”.

What happens if the error indicated on my income tax return is not corrected?

If the taxpayer is notified of a pending case, but does nothing to correct it, the fine to be paid is 75% of the tax due, corrected by the Selic change.

How do you advertise investments in IR?
Download a free e-book that explains how to declare your investments (and which ones are exempt) from income tax:

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