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Internet users have condemned Eduardo Bolsonaro for going to the US to attack the left and the Brazilian judiciary.

Internet users have condemned Eduardo Bolsonaro for going to the US to attack the left and the Brazilian judiciary.

The world is not ready to listen to lies about Brazil,' he wrote in a profile on the social network

Eduardo Bolsonaro (third from left in front row, with brown tie)

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247 – Internet users rejected Eduardo Bolsonaro's (PL-SP) bid after a federal sub-US visit, where he verbally attacked the Brazilian left, the judiciary and countries like Venezuela and Cuba.

According to details on social media, he held a press conference outside the Capitol, where the US legislature is located, because he was barred from addressing the House. He will use the platform to attack Brazil.

“Eduardo Bolsonaro and his group of Bolsonaro representatives decided to export their false information, this time to the front of the Capitol in Washington. But, surprise, they were blocked! It seems that the world is not ready to listen to lies. About Brazil” , wrote a profile on the social network.

Journalist Cesar Calejon commented on this matter. “Help, God, because I don't know how to deal with this shame: Eduardo Bolsonaro did a street act in the US and put a 'capital' on his CV! It's typical for someone who provided credentials to grill hamburgers to apply. For the ambassadorship, right? ?”.

Continued after recommendations

Actor Jose de Abreu also made an impact. “Where we escaped: Trump says pardoning Capitol attackers will be one of his first acts if re-elected”.

Criticism of the judiciary is one of the alternatives of 69-year-old American Steve Bannon, who has spent the last decade trying to bring right-wing parties to power in the US and other countries. In January 2021, when then-US President Donald Trump lost the election, many supporters occupied the legislature and accused the electoral system of fraud.

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Bannon, a Trump strategist, met with Eduardo Bolsonaro in the US after the second round of the 2022 election in Brazil and advised the parliamentarian to question the outcome.