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Inter ran over a flamingo in Rio de Janeiro

After the men’s team Inter Dispatching fluorescence in BrazilianMonday night (14) it was my turn girls Coloradas patrol another Carioca club. in match In effect in the women’s Brazilian League quarter-finals, Mauricio Salgado’s 3 x 1 team applied to the red and black fields.

As usual, the Colorado team enforced the game’s tempo right after kickoff. With a lot of pressure to open the scoring, Lilly scored the first goal for victory. The white-and-white artillery took advantage of the signal in the area and shrewdly stuffed the nets of the archer in Kafia Club.

Colorful girls knead flamingo with Brazilian loso

At the second stage, the plot was repeated and the girls were ready to slaughter the housewives. However, this time around, Mi Mai has taken charge of expanding the label. The midfielder received a pass from Fabi Simes and got the score.

Ten minutes later, Lilly explained why she was one of the top scorers in the country and scored her second goal of the match. The 9 shirt received a magical pass from Millene and scored another great goal for MaurĂ­cio Salgado.

There is still time for girls flamingo Cut the score, which didn’t shake up the Coloradas, who now have a massive advantage in next week’s game, which will decide to qualify for the semi-finals of the National Championship.