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Instagram will not show who visited your profile;  The new update is fake |  social networks

Instagram will not show who visited your profile; The new update is fake | social networks

Rumors about a new software update Instagram That will show who visited your profile The Internet has been rocking since Wednesday (29).. The rumor arose from a photo posted on Twitter, where it was possible to see the functionality attached to the Activity tab, a space that now collects information such as likes, comments and friend requests. However, the news was not confirmed by Instagram, which pleased him stalkers, is nothing but a joke. The information was revealed by the author of the tweet, who explained the source of the image in a video posted on tik tok This Friday (1).

The viral post was authored by YouTuber and 10th user Goularte (on Twitter, @g0ulaarte), and according to him, it came as a joke to give people a “regression”. What if you pretend to have an Instagram update that you can now see who viewed your profile? [Era] Just a little joke, just to give a little support, nothing harmful to anyone,” the video content creator posted on his TikTok profile said. In the report, which has amassed more than 505 thousand likes and 12.1 thousand shares, it shows how the screenshot was rigged and reveals Amazed at the repercussions of printing.

Instagram will not show who visited your profile; Understand how the new update rumor emerged – Image: Getty Images

How did the Instagram rumor arise?

To falsify the typography, Goularte first searched for the font Instagram uses in the app’s texts. “Then I did a very basic edit, I don’t know, about five minutes,” explained the YouTuber. Knowing that the montage wasn’t perfect, he crossed out some of the text in red, in order to make comparisons with the real parts of the photo difficult.

A print that went viral on Twitter shows Instagram’s ‘Activity’ tab informing the number and identity of profile visitors – Image: Reproduction/Twitter

Goularte then tweeted, “Brother, what about Instagram now showing up if I visit someone’s profile? Oh my God, how am I going to get stalked?” And add fake typography. In the video, the creator says he went to lunch after the post was posted, and five hours later, when he came back, the post had already over 33,000 likes and had reached over 500,000 people, who had given up on the prospect. From Instagram “a snitch” on stalking.

New alleged Instagram update piques the interest of users

It was such a concern that users resorted to The Google To try to validate the information. data google trends, a tool that monitors searches in the search engine, found that there was a sudden increase in searches for the phrase “Instagram shows who visited your profile” on Wednesday (29), the date on which the rumor spread widely, and that the topic continued to rise in the following days. And searches for “new update on Instagram” have also grown 3900% in the past week.

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Searches for “Instagram will show who visited your profile” popped up on Wednesday (29) and rocked the web in the following days, according to Google Trends – Image: Reproduction/Google Trends

The repercussions of the matter, which were published in the chain of news portals, terrified Golarty, who preferred to delete the tweet. “I didn’t want it to come this far and was afraid people would get angry at me, so I deleted the tweet,” the creator said.

In the comments to the video on TikTok, Goularte’s followers reacted with amazement and good humor to the report. One follower said: “I can’t believe it! It was you!” “Oh my God, I fell straight,” another person admitted. Some also praised the creativity of YouTubers. “Congratulations to Goulart, congratulations,” one user commented.

Is it possible to find out who visited my Instagram profile?

For now, those who want to peek into someone else’s profile can easily rest and gossip without fear of slander. This is because, until now, Instagram only allows business account holders to see the number of visitors to a profile. The feature is available in the “Instagram Insights” section, but it does not reveal the identity of the people who accessed the account.

with information from tik tok

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