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In the UK, those at risk of being vaccinated are no longer isolated – the world

In the UK, those at risk of being vaccinated are no longer isolated – the world

As of this Monday, those who have been vaccinated no longer need to be isolated, but are only advised to take the PCR test.

All people in the UK who have been fully vaccinated against Covit-19 should not be isolated starting this Monday and still having a positive case involvement with Covit-19.

Boris Johnson’s government proposes that British citizens should have a PCR test if they are in contact with someone infected with SARS-CoV-2.

With this decision, the so-called “pingtamia” will come to the end of the covit-19 “pings”. The Govt-19 monitoring application in the UK sent five million notifications with an isolation order in the UK, forcing millions of people to leave their workplaces for 14 days, affecting various sectors of the economy.

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