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In Argentina, where abortion is legal, a march brings together thousands who fear change if Miley is elected  world

In Argentina, where abortion is legal, a march brings together thousands who fear change if Miley is elected world

Javier Miley, the candidate leading in opinion polls, promised to repeal the law that legalized abortion in Argentina

Thousands of people demonstrated on Thursday (28), in Buenos Aires, in defense of legal abortion, which, according to demonstrators, will be threatened if far-right candidate Javier Miley wins the presidential elections in October.

Among the demonstrators were activists from feminist movements and union leaders. Psychiatrist Martha Gazzano (47 years old), who was accompanied by her daughter (15 years old), said, “We are coming together to defend women’s rights because we fear that they will all be overthrown after the elections.”

Voluntary termination of pregnancy up to the 14th week was legalized in Argentina in 2021. Watch a video about the legislation below.

Argentina agrees to legalize abortion

Millie, who is leading in opinion polls, proposed repealing this law and abolishing the Ministry of Women.

The march started from Plaza de Mayo to the Argentine Congress. Demonstrations in defense of abortion also took place in other countries in the region, such as Colombia, Chile, Ecuador and El Salvador. In Venezuela, 100 people demonstrated earlier.

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