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In America, Millie meets with Biden’s advisor

In America, Millie meets with Biden’s advisor

The meeting with Jack Sullivan was the President-elect’s only bilateral meeting during his stay in Washington.

Argentina’s President-elect Javier Mille met with US National Security Adviser Jack Sullivan today (28.Nov.2023) at the White House.

In a statement Clarin, Milei said they talked about Argentina’s economic and social situation and the new government’s challenges internationally. It was the libertarian’s only bilateral meeting during his stay in the US got down Monday (November 27).

In addition to Millay, Luis Caputo, who was invited to take charge of Argentina’s Economy Ministry, and other representatives of the North American government also attended the meeting.

Milei had intended to meet with IMF (International Monetary Fund) representatives before returning to Argentina, but, according to Clarin, he will return to Buenos Aires this Tuesday (November 28). Luis Caputo and other members of the commission should go to the meeting.

Miley met former US President Bill Clinton in New York on Monday (November 27). The lunch with the former head of the North American administration happened to soften relations with the White House, which is close to the libertarian Republican Donald Trump, the pre-candidate for the presidency of the United States.

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