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In a dispute with the administrator, Americana (AMER3) closes its mall store in SP

In a dispute with the administrator, Americana (AMER3) closes its mall store in SP

A retailer in crisis

Aliansce Sonae has received court approval to vacate the retailer’s Shopping Plaza Sul unit, according to a columnist

Riccardi Tough

Americanas facade (Photo: Tânia Rêgo/Agência Brasil)

Americana (AMER3) on Friday (26) that its store in Shopping Plaza Sul, in the city of São Paulo, is closed due to a dispute with Aliansce Sonae (Also 3), webmaster.

Earlier, the columnist Lauro Jardim, from O Globostated that the retailer would be evicted on Friday due to a court ruling in favor of Aliansce over non-payment of rents before the Americanas injunctive recovery is formalized.

Continue after the announcement

Americana does not confirm that its unit has been evacuated. Wanted by InfomoneyAlliance did not even respond to the publication of the text.

In a note, it informs the retailer that it “takes appropriate legal action and maintains that the judicial recovery process prevents it from making payments the original occurrence of which occurred before the commencement of the order made, in the case of rents subject to collection against the property in question.”

Americana, which requires customers to make purchases at adjacent units or in its app, added, “The Company maintains that other obligations are normally met for subsequent event payments to RJ, as specified by legislation.”

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