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Ibovespa is taking off from abroad and rising as investors interest political news;  The dollar drops to 5.63 Brazilian reals

Ibovespa is taking off from abroad and rising as investors interest political news; The dollar drops to 5.63 Brazilian reals

Quotation Board (Shutterstock)

São Paulo – After the Ibovespa index posted a 2.1% increase last week, and reached its highest level since February on Thursday (8), after mainly international exchanges, Monday’s session (12) was higher for the index, as it kicked off the action. Registered on Wall Street.

Here, the market continues to follow discussions on the 2021 budget. Last week, President Jair Bolsonaro said the executive and Congress were close to reaching an agreement, while the government’s economic team insisted that the president should use their veto power.

Also on the radar is a consumer price index (CPI) installation to confirm the federal government’s responsibilities in fighting the epidemic. The atmosphere of the week began to pollute after Senator Jorge Kaguro issued a phone call claiming that Bolsonaro said he feared an “illegitimate report,” and would seek pressure to dismiss Supreme Court ministers and will continue to seek the inclusion of states and municipalities. Within the consumer price index range.

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