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Ibama participates in work on offshore wind farms in the United Kingdom – Ibama

Ibama participates in work on offshore wind farms in the United Kingdom – Ibama

Brasilia (10/19/2023) – At the invitation of the United Kingdom Consulate in Rio de Janeiro, environmental researchers from IBAMA participated in a technical visit to England and Scotland. The purpose of the meeting is to open a dialogue on offshore wind power generation.

With 21.6% of the world’s offshore wind installations, the United Kingdom is consolidating itself as the largest Western power in the sector. The work allowed the company to learn about British experience in aspects such as technology and environmental regulation; Research and Innovation Centers; and port facilities required for construction and maintenance logistics of offshore wind farms.

UK Marine Licensing Event

IPAMA representatives had the opportunity to check the necessary adaptations to the ports, which are necessary for the installation of the plants, such as the draft and expansion of vessels for the movement of super-heavy loads, the provision of extensive areas for storage and possible pre-coupling. components, as well as desirable availability of land near the manufacturing units.

“Knowing the solutions developed within the scope of already established projects and environmental regulations and licensing expands the technical knowledge of the teams working on these processes. Also increases organizational security, ensuring that the insertion of this energy source in the country is minimized. Environmental impacts,” said environmental analyst Mosar Lacson.

Since 2017, IPAMA has been making efforts to train its technical team on this topic. Some of the most relevant actions in this regard are holding an international workshop, bringing together several European and Brazilian experts and creating a study on regulation and. Environmental approaches adopted in various countries as pioneers of this technology.

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Brazil’s offshore wind sector is growing, with about 1.2 TW of generating capacity in waters up to 1,000 m deep, according to World Bank data. In 2020, since the draft of the Standard Term Reference (TR) for environmental studies required by IBAMA, there has been a significant increase in the demand for environmental licensing for typology, with 91 processes opened and its projects added. Approximately 220 GW of power.

The UK regulatory model

UK Offshore Licensing Model

The UK regulatory model is based on marine spatial planning, which guides the bidding of potential areas. In the past two years, England and Scotland have auctioned areas capable of generating more than 40 gigawatts. After the auction, bidders present detailed environmental studies tailored to each area’s specific sensitivities and existing knowledge gaps.

Studies should demonstrate the existence of adequate support structures and commitment to local production chains. New British wind farms tend to move away from the coast. Conclusions about the environmental benefits of this retreat away from the coast are derived from continuous cycles of learning and improvement that support the recommendations of the organization responsible for environmental and landscape heritage.

Technological development and cost reduction of floating foundations have increased their use and made it possible to install them in deep water and with less impact related to underwater noise generation during installation. The participation of various sectors and local community groups in the process of identifying impacts and developing projects from their early stages has proven to be a recommended practice, facilitating feasibility analysis and adoption of projects.

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