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“I will not be left behind”;  After spending New Year’s Eve with Nadine, Thiago Ramos opens the game and explains his relationship with Neymar’s mother

“I will not be left behind”; After spending New Year’s Eve with Nadine, Thiago Ramos opens the game and explains his relationship with Neymar’s mother


The former prisoner of A Fazenda 14 became a much discussed topic on social networks on the first day of the year

Image 1: Playback / YouTube (Podgether's official channel).  Image 2: Nadine Gonçalves' official Instagram account.
Image 1: Playback / YouTube (Podgether’s official channel). Image 2: Nadine Gonçalves’ official Instagram account.

On the first day of 2023, Thiago Ramos He became one of the most commented topics on social networks after spending the New Year with him Nadine Gonsalveshis ex-girlfriend. Many netizens have disputed the famous situation, claiming that Neymar’s mother is only supposed to ‘delay’ his life.

This past Monday (9), the former farmer took part in Podgether, hosted by Swellen Sauer and Michelle Martins, and explained what the relationship with his ex-girlfriend is like. It should be noted that while they were together, Thiago and Nadine were involved in several controversies, including an alleged assault.

“Today I have her as a girlfriend, including kisses. I spent New Year’s Eve with her, but there were no flashbacks. There weren’t because it’s a relationship we just need to talk about a lot, and at the moment, I’d rather stay single.”James began. Revealing that she maintains her friendship with Neymar’s mother.

finally, The ex-man A Fazenda 14 has shown his gratitude to his ex. “Yes, I can be friends, but at the moment it is not possible. I have a wonderful relationship with her. My mother knows, my friends know … Therefore, I will not leave behind someone who helped me in the beginning and accepted me from the beginning. As I was, when I kept so little”He said.

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