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Husband should authorize?  Find out how IUD placement by SUS works in MS Journal Midiamax

Husband should authorize? Find out how IUD placement by SUS works in MS Journal Midiamax

The right of a married woman to have an IUD implanted into her own body has been the subject of debate in recent weeks in Brazil. This topic came after some private plans, and even health centers, required written consent from their husbands so that a woman could stick to the contraceptive method. NS Mediamax Newspaper The authorities and the health secretariats of Campo Grande and Mato Grosso do Sul have heard about this issue.

In some states, health plan clients have sought protection agencies to report the practice. The State Procon of MS was against the practice, without detailing whether there were complaints from users of state health plans about such a requirement. It informed the agency in its opinion that “men and women are equal in rights and duties, under the provisions of the Federal Constitution, and a man has no right to interfere with a woman’s freedom in the matter of choosing whether or not to become pregnant.”

The arbitrary action also moved the legislature and a bill was introduced to the Alems (the Legislative Assembly of Mato Grosso do Sul) to ban this requirement in the state. It was authored by Representative Evander Vendramini (PP), who considered the request offensive.

“Women’s right to freedom of choice and social responsibility towards the decision regarding the practice of maternity must be recognized – with the right to information and the right to access public services to exercise these reproductive rights and responsibilities,” he said.

Planning in the public network

The Municipality of Campo Grande, through the Sesau (Municipal Health Department), explained the process of implementing the IUD in women in the capital and informed that for anyone looking for a more permanent method of contraception, as with the IUD, it was necessary to participate in a lecture on family planning.

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For IUD implantation, since it is a reversible method, there is no need for the consent of the spouse, unlike tubal ligation and vasectomy, and in both cases, if the spouses have a formal union, it is necessary for the other to understand and agree to the decision. During the procedure, in addition to the lecture, the couple is introduced to the guidance of a psychologist and a multidisciplinary team so that the procedure can be decided later.

The Department of Health (SES) states that the first step to inserting an IUD is to find a health facility. After evaluation by the nurse and/or doctor, the woman will be referred to a referral unit that performs the IUD insertion procedure. To enter this method is not necessary the permission of the spouse or partner. The authorization is only valid for tubal ligation or tubal ligation surgery, as regulated by Federal Law No. 9263/96.

Understand the controversy

PROCON-SP sought clarification, on August 8, for 11 health trusts after complaining that the conventions would require a husband’s permission to apply the contraceptive method (IUD) in married women. Companies Amel, Bradsco Side, Central Nacional Unimed, Notre Dame, Oment, Porto Seguro Happy, Poem, Sombo Happy, Sol America, Unimed Seguros and Vision Med (Golden Cross) were questioned. Filling out a consent form will be necessary for agreements to cover the procedure.

Some insurance companies require the husband’s consent to compensate for the insertion of an IUD in married women. This practice is arbitrary, illegal and unreasonable and degrades the status and dignity of women. We are reporting to these companies to see which ones are making this absurd assumption,” explains Fernando Kepez, CEO of Procon-SP.

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According to Caps, Procon-SP will fine and severely punish companies that use this resource for refusing to cover the actions. “It is not possible to admit that some companies use this kind of justification in order not to pay and reimburse insurance. A bad excuse. And I cautioned that a consumer who has gone through this situation should inform Procon-SP.

*With information from Agência Brasil.