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Human extinction has a date that scientists have already predicted

Human extinction has a date that scientists have already predicted

New research by scientists at the University of Bristol in England used climate models from a supercomputer to simulate conditions on our planet in the future. The goal was to indicate when the Earth would face its next mass extinction. Spoiler: The result was very bleak.

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The formation of a supercontinent and the end of humanity

  • According to research, extreme weather events will intensify dramatically when the continents merge to form a hot, dry and largely uninhabitable supercontinent called Pangea Ultima.
  • According to scientists, this will be one of the consequences of global warming.
  • The work was published in the journal Nature Geoscience and used climate models that simulate trends in temperature, wind, precipitation and humidity.
  • To estimate future carbon dioxide levels, the team used models of plate tectonics, ocean chemistry and biology to map carbon dioxide inflows and outflows.
  • The information is from the world.
Simulations indicate that the Earth will become uninhabitable (Image captured using artificial intelligence. Alessandro Di Lorenzo/Olhar Digital/DALL-E)

Human extinction will be inevitable

Researchers claim that the formation of the supercontinent will lead to intense tectonic processes. This means that there will be continuous and powerful volcanic eruptions, resulting in large amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and further warming the planet.

Carbon dioxide levels could reach double current levels (which are already considered high). At the same time, the Sun will emit about 2.5% more radiation. Earth would become an extremely hostile environment, devoid of food and water sources for mammals.

The study expects temperatures on the planet to range between 40 and 70 degrees Celsius, accompanied by high levels of humidity. These climate conditions would make it impossible for humans and other species to dissipate extreme heat through sweat. Ultimately, it will be impossible to survive.

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But when will that happen? Expectations indicate that the supercontinent Pangea Ultima will form within the next 250 million years. And it will be the one that leads to the most extreme effects.

Well, you must imagine that this is enough time for humanity. However, the researchers state that this model indicates when there will be no possibility of survival, which does not mean that even then conditions will be good to sustain life on Earth. This occurs because the effects of global warming are becoming increasingly felt.

In other words, the study predicts when humanity will end. But it is not ruled out that this could happen sooner due to the effects of climate change on Earth.