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How to unlock MEI for free in 2022

How to unlock MEI for free in 2022

This method is very popular and accessible, and it is possible to open it “online” absolutely for free and that is what we will teach you in today’s article.

Who can be the MEI?

Entrepreneur with a maximum gross revenue of
R$ 81000.00 per year and that your profession is included in the list of activities permitted by the Ministry of Education.

You can check files Activities List Available to individual small business owners click here.

In addition to the billing limit and the activity included in the list, there are other requirements that the entrepreneur must fulfill to fit the activity, which are:

  • no interest in another company as a partner or owner;
  • Not having a partner
  • Assigning at most one employee to receive the minimum wage or the minimum wage for this category.

How do I register as a MEI?

Once you have determined that your business is on the list of allowed activities for individual small business owners and have confirmed that your turnover does not exceed the limit, you can formalize your business for free online, as follows:

  • To formalize, access Business Portal
  • Go to the option “I want to be a MEI” and then to “Formalize yourself”
  • Create or access “gov.br” account with your CPF, if you already have one;
  • Follow the instructions that appear on the screen. At this point you will need to fill in your personal details like RG number, CPF number, income tax return number, home address and contact phone number
  • Indicate the activities that will be carried out, then the trade name of your company and tell where you will work, for example, from home, on the Internet, at work address, etc.
  • Check all the information provided, fill in the required data and complete your registration.
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Additional advice from Journal Kontable: MEI knows everything you need to run your own business. If you want to get started as a MEI properly, be legal and up to date with the government, as well as do whatever is necessary to develop your company, we can help you.

wonder Saving from R$50 to R$300 every month With all the bureaucracy and risk of default and still make sure that you are doing your advertising and obligations correctly.

And the best part is that you can learn all of this Just a weekend. substitute fast and efficient and the cycle MEI in practice. It’s a quick, yet complete and detailed course with everything MEI needs to know to be independent and never struggle again in running your business.

I want to know more? click here And keep your MEI up-to-date!