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How to differentiate Covid from the common flu, despite increasingly similar symptoms

How to differentiate Covid from the common flu, despite increasingly similar symptoms

  • Almudena de Capo
  • BBC News World

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Illustrative image,

The best way to find out if the infection is caused by Covid or other viruses is to get tested.

Far from what many may think these days, the fact that the symptoms of Covid make it nearly impossible to distinguish this disease from other diseases caused by respiratory viruses such as influenza does not mean that we should stop worrying or protect the most vulnerable.

Experts warn that infection rates remain very high in the population and that although vaccines prevent a dangerous picture of the virus from emerging among those who have been vaccinated, the most vulnerable, such as those over 65 or immunosuppressed, do not. They are still at risk.

How do we distinguish covid from influenza?

Sore throat, headache, runny nose, stuffy nose and cough are the main symptoms that can indicate infection with the COVID-19 virus.

So how do you know if what you have is the flu or the coronavirus? it’s not possible. The only way to find out is to take a test. Although according to experts, if you are currently experiencing any of these symptoms, you are most likely to have contracted the coronavirus.