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How to cancel a TIM plan

How to cancel a TIM plan

Do you need to cancel a TIM plan? Check out all available options for terminating the contract with the operator

Aug 21
– 23:00

(Updated 8/22/2023 at 1:12 PM)

When you cancel your plan TimYou can use the application and the operator’s telephony center. Both procedures are applied to terminate mobile or land line plans.

Image: Reproduction/TIM/Canaltech

How to cancel a TIM Fixo, TIM Internet or TIM Móvel plan

For landline and Internet plans, it is recommended to have a customer code on hand – this information is available on invoices and on the operator’s website. In the case of mobile phone plans, it is necessary to inform the phone number.

by phone

Call one of these numbers:

  • * 144 from TIM Phone;
  • 1056 from other carrier phones.

In either case, you need to report the phone number to DDD to continue with the service.

Through the My TIM website

You can access the Meu TIM website from your computer or cell phone to request a plan cancellation:

  1. enter to meutim.tim.com.br;
  2. Log in with your account
  3. Scroll down to the end of the screen
  4. Locate the “Services” option;
  5. Click on “Request Cancellation”;
  6. press “Cancel line”;
  7. Follow the instructions.
Access the TIM website and look for the option to cancel the plan (Photo: Screenshot/Leonardo Müller/Kanaltik)

Access the TIM website and look for the option to cancel the plan (Photo: Screenshot/Leonardo Müller/Kanaltik)

Image: Canaltech

by SMS

It is also possible to cancel a mobile network plan using the good old SMS:

  1. Create a message with the word “CANCELLATION”, the account holder’s CPF number and the customer’s code;
  2. Send to 4199.

What happens after a cancellation request?

TIM has a 48-hour period to process the request and terminate the service – that’s what it says Anatel. Before canceling the line, check if the grace period of the contract has already expired – otherwise, the customer is subject to a penalty.

It is possible to carry out portability before canceling the line to use the same mobile phone number with other operators, eg Clear that it Alive. If you encounter any problems during the process, you can File a complaint with Anatel.

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