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How is meibomianitis transmitted? Can it really be deadly?

How is meibomianitis transmitted? Can it really be deadly?

Smallpox’s deadly cousin It was not known until 1958. mpoxFormerly known as Monkeypox – he global health emergency What It is distributed throughout central Africa.including countries that have never been discovered before.

“the Current increase in Monkeypox in parts of africaalong with New strain of monkeypox virus spreads through sexual contactThis is an emergency not only for Africa, but for the whole world, said WHO committee chair Demi Ogwenya in a statement.

Mboks, originally from Africa, It was neglected there. And then Cause a Global pandemic in 2022“It is time to act decisively to prevent history from repeating itself.”

the The Democratic Republic of the Congo has the highest number of suspected smallpox cases. It was recorded at all during the year, with More than 15,600 cases and 537 deathsWhat is worrying is The mpox disease has also spread to neighboring countries. Where the disease has never been seen before – including Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda.

In response, the World Health Organization declared a public health emergency of international concern. But What exactly is Mbox? – And Why are these outbreaks more concerning to experts than other recent outbreaks?Here’s what you need to know.

the mpoxWhich until recently was known as monkeypox, It is a less dangerous and less contagious cousin of smallpox.. Both are orthoboxviruses.one A genus of 12 viruses From DNA Which also Includes cowpox and camelpox..

Regarding the manifestations and symptoms, according to the World Health Organization, they are distinguished by: painful rash, Lymph node enlargement and fever.

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There are two types. Distinctive genetic branches (or CategoriesBernard Moss, a virologist at the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), explained in a 2021 interview. Clade I — Cause of the current outbreakKills one in 10 infected people.. Section Two – The Cause of the Outbreak in 2022It is much less deadly.with a mortality rate of less than one percent.

one New version of clade I virusconnect Clayd Ep, Appeared in the current outbreak and Push for declaration of state of emergencythen It may be more serious or transmissible.. to Children also appear to be particularly at risk.since many Cases and deaths Signed in the Democratic Republic of the Congo People under 15 years of age.

Smallpox is a animal disease, It is transmitted to humans through animals.It was first discovered in 1958 between Monkeys in the lab Danish research team Original name of the virus It may or may not be a misnomer.

It is believed that small mammals Virus shelter In the African rainforests, Where is the habitat?But it can infect many mammals and has only been isolated from wild animals twice: the rope squirrel in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1985 and the mangabey in Côte d’Ivoire in 2012. The actual reservoirs of the disease remain unknown..

since First known human case in 1970 – when The boy was diagnosed In the Democratic Republic of the Congo — Most of the infections occurred in West and Central Africa.At first, most of them were “indirect events,” By hunting and killing infected wild animals“The virus is spreading rapidly and is causing significant harm to the health of people around the world,” said Rosamund Lewis, who serves as WHO’s technical lead for smallpox. National Geographic In 2022.

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both of them HIV types can spread through Direct Contact ThWith infected animals and contaminated materialsThis can include items such as clothing, bedding, and towels.

the Getting close to people It can also Spread of the virus among peopleincluding through kissesRespiratory droplets that spread when talking to an infected person and Direct contact with infected skin or lesions in the mouth or genitals.

to Injuries They aresmall viral factories stomachicAndrea McCollum, an epidemiologist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said. The incubation period is from three to 17 days. According to the Centers for Disease Control, People with HIV symptoms are contagious. Until the rash is completely healed A new layer of skin was formed.