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“How did you manage to organize so quickly for another team?”

“How did you manage to organize so quickly for another team?”

With Mineirao still limited space, Cruzeiro chief complained of a lack of autonomy compared to Atlético-MG

Sea trip And Mineirão is in an awkward position, and both parties are on a collision course. The recent controversy includes The crowd was in the stadium for Fox’s games, with the board not getting the full capacity version of the upcoming League Two game, on Tuesday (9).

In a press conference on Monday (8), President Sergio Santos Rodriguez has questioned the inequality of the matter, saying his board is evaluating the contract with the stadium. The case may be submitted to the Audit Bureau.

“The feeling of the masses is the same as ours, of profound rebellion, resentment of the position we are taking with Cruzeiro. There is also a lack of equality, we even look at the concession contract that has been signed. We believe that action can be taken in the Court of Audit, among other things,” he said. .

Cruzeiro’s representative was also martyred Atlético-MG’s last two games on the field, now at full capacity, to talk about inequality.

Because it is clear that all entities should be treated equally. What happens is that on November 1st the city council decreed his 100% release. On the second day, which was a holiday, he allowed himself to be 100%. And on the third day, our competitor already played there at full capacity,” he said.

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“How did you manage to organize so quickly for the other team and not us? And on Sunday, it ran again in front of a full audience. So, we are incensed to see that they said an event for an audience of 60,000 people needed more time to practice, because this was done from Someone else’s sake,” he added.

“And what happened from the beginning, as the last matches where the audience was not very high and the process was very expensive, and we had an obligation with our fans to get the cheapest ticket, we came up with a deal that would open up even certain sectors if it had a sale. And it was never said “Okay, but the limit is going to be 35,000.” That left us confused, upset, and annoyed as fans are, and that will make us look for this game with more fans,” he said.