The Honda Elevate, which was recently launched in India, has been registered by the Japanese automaker at INPI, the National Institute for Industrial Property.
Both profiles and many parts of Honda’s new compact SUV are in the Brazilian registry, including the grille, taillights, headlights, trims and other parts of the car.
As is well known, such records primarily serve to protect industrial rights, as the institute’s name indicates, and it is likely that Honda is merely complying with its rights schedule in this case.
However, the question remains: Will he come? The most reliable answer is no. The reason is that Honda has already managed to sell its new HR-V reasonably well, and even if it starts at R$150,400, the brand doesn’t want as much volume in the country as its more famous rivals.
Otherwise, Honda would not have ended production in Sumari and would have kept two plants to build cars like the Project RS SUV, whose prototype is not the new WR-V you know in Indonesia.
Classes like the Fiat Pulse and even the earlier WR-V, put the Japanese from Honda with their beards wet and after seeing their factory in Itirapina closed for years, they wouldn’t take any more risks.
So forget the Elevate, just as Fit fans have already given up on the fourth generation here. Even if Elevate made a lot of R$120,000, in the eyes of many, it would exchange six for six.
With a length of 4,312 metres, a width of 1,790 metres, a height of 1,610 metres, and a wheelbase of 2,650 metres, the Honda Elevate is only suitable for India and some of the markets it serves.
In the INPI record, the painting, for example, is Indian, with a well-known English orientation. And that alone kills the expectation of seeing this SUV here.
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