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Homeless man sings happy birthday with dogs, shares cake and gets emotional (video)

Homeless man sings happy birthday with dogs, shares cake and gets emotional (video)

With the fallout of a video recorded in Bucaramanga, Colombia, the photo man gets a new chance and collects groceries

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By Maria Aquino, Metropolis – A touching video went viral on social media in recent days and changed the life of a homeless person in Bucaramanga, Colombia. In the photos, Choco, as he is known, shares a birthday cake with his two accompanying pet dogs.

The three are alone on a ladder in the town square. First, he prepares his comrades: he puts on party hats. Then insert the birthday candles into the little cake and start singing happy birthday. During the song accompanied by applause, he hugs and caresses them.

Finally, he breaks a piece of cake to each dog and finally serves himself. Four-legged friends start licking their snacks.

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