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Hit the hammer, a big public alert for those with more than 5 years of debt

Hit the hammer, a big public alert for those with more than 5 years of debt

Serasa is a financial institution that aims to provide credit protection to businesses and consumers across the country. However, recently, there has been an exponential increase in the number of citizens who are in debt due to the financial crisis, and whose names end up being negative.

There are many reasons why people find themselves in financial difficulty, they may have lost their jobs, there has been a significant loss of wages due to the effects of inflation. They may still lack control over their spending, health reasons, and the help of a family member, among other things.

Likewise, when the bill is not paid, the person’s name will go to Sirasa, where it will be dirty, i.e. negative. When trying to make a purchase or even request a loan, businesses and organizations can make an inquiry, making it difficult to access credit and related purchases.

In this way, as these people default on their debts in arrears, they end up letting their debts last for more than five years. So, here comes the question: Will the financial commitment “expire”? What do you do after passing this period? This is what we will see next.

debt after five years

At first, many people, because they could not pay their debts, let the debts last for more than five years. They hope that the late payments will end after this period and that their name will be removed from the defaulters’ list SPC Sirasa. However, the financial obligation remains.

This means that there is still an overdue debt, which the citizen must pay. The creditor company may continue to collect the arrears even after the five-year period. In this way, the consumer must settle it as quickly as possible, so that the amounts charged do not snowball.

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A person’s name is declined when he buys a product or hires a particular service and undertakes to pay the lump sum or installments later. If it is unable to fulfill obligations, due to prior financial problems, it is a debtor.

It is worth noting that the assumed commitment must be made through an agreement between the two parties, between the company and the person. If the latter does not settle its overdue debts, the corporation or corporation can then put its name on SPC or Serasa, or even file a lawsuit.

Hit the hammer, a big public alert for those with more than 5 years of debt. Photo: Playback / TV Globo

Sirasa List

A citizen, when he is unable to pay his debts on time, his name will be on the list of Serasa and his CPF. Then it must be revoked. If he is seeking a product or service, the company will see that he has not paid his previous debts. This causes, as already mentioned, a number of problems.

A person will find it difficult not only to obtain credit from financial institutions, but also to purchase financed real estate and vehicles. By the way, those who cannot get rid of this debt end up waiting five years in the hope that it will expire, that is, it will disappear.

The problem is that the debt actually ends during this time period, but it doesn’t go away completely. Companies may not even find any wrongdoing about the person on Serasa or the SPC, but the obligation ends up showing up on those organizations’ websites and apps.

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Therefore, a citizen who has been in debt for more than five years may not have his CPF negative, but he still owes money, and ends up being collected by the company looking for a way to compensate. Thus, a person has no choice but to pay off all his debts.

How to resolve the situation

Overdue debt can disrupt many people’s lives. To pay it off, you should seek some changes in habits and save money so that you can pay off your debts without major complications. You need to organize your financial life and plan, and have more control over your spending.

It is possible to control finances through spreadsheets, writing down all debts and prioritizing the most important ones. Part of the salary should be set aside, especially to settle arrears. In conclusion, it is essential to seek negotiation with the creditor company to obtain discounts and an installment plan.