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“His time is over in Brazil”;  Neymar asks flamengo carrier in Europe and infuriates the nation

“His time is over in Brazil”; Neymar asks flamengo carrier in Europe and infuriates the nation

Neymar Very dear to Brazilian fans and many believe he will be responsible for bringing Hexa As for Brazil in the 2022 World Cup, in recent years, the PSG player has managed to cement this relationship even further. In the UEFA Champions League matches, children watch and cheer a lot for their success in Europe.

In an interview with Red Bull, the striker was surprised to say so GersonFlamengo midfielder, has to return to European football and his time in Brazil is over. The interview also mentions Gabigol and has had a lot of repercussions among fans of Mais Querido do Brasil.

I also really like the Gerson de Flamingo. His time has passed in Brazil, he needs to come to Europe! Gabigol can also do a great job in Europe. [Tem] Lots of other players, but these four are the main Brazilian players today and should play in Europe“, He said.

The Joker has an offer to work on FranceLast Wednesday afternoon, Globoesporte.com stated that it had already provided indications that it intended to stay in Flamengo. On the other hand, there is still no definition and the hammer has not been struck.

Flamengo makes a challenging game to launch and You will not accept any value. The football director, Bruno Spindel, and the club’s vice president of football, Marcus Praz, are responsible for conducting the negotiations between the two parties.

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  • Flamingo
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  • Neymar
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