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high celic?  See how he got into his Nubank account

high celic? See how he got into his Nubank account

The Monetary Policy Committee (Copom) of the Central Bank decided, at the last meeting of the year, on the seventh, to maintain the fixed interest rate at 13.75% per annum. As a result, public bonds indexed by the silicon rate have started to offer increasing returns. and your account nubankHow is that?

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The question is very relevant, because the Nubank account has automatic income from the money deposited in it. In this case, does profitability also increase or does savings become a better option for your money?

Income from a Nubank x Savings account

To answer this question, it is necessary to understand how these calculations work. In the case of Nubank, the money yields the equivalent of 100% of the CDI rate every 30 days, which is very close to the Selic rate. With each Selic rise, so does the CDI. Therefore, profitability also goes up.

In the case of savings, income also rises, but with another rule based on Cilic. When the prime interest rate is above 8.5% per annum, the savings accounts bonus is 0.50% or more in addition to the reference rate.

That is, in this case, with the Selic rate at 13.75%, the savings rate is 0.50% per month or 6.26% per year in addition to the reference rate.

On accounts with a guaranteed 100% CDI return, the yield continues to rise, at 13.65% per annum.

Is the income model the same as the savings model?

no. In checking accounts, a savings account yields about 70% of the CDI, while a Nubank account yields 100% of the CDI. See examples prepared by the bank itself:

  • For example, a person who deposits R$1,000 into a Nubank account and holds it for 30 days, will have a total balance of R$1,010.72 on the 31st day. The net balance – i.e. after income tax has been paid – is R$1,008.31. Therefore, the net income from the app is R$8.31.
  • In savings, the same R$1,000 left in him for 30 days would have a net balance of R$1,005.19. An income of R$5.19. This means that the Nubank account again comes out on top with an additional income of R$3.12.
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Nubank digital account brings another beneficial difference. This is because while the savings account only earns once a month, and always on the anniversary of the deposit, the Nubank account earns on all business days after the 31st day of the deposit.