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Her weekends are Fiuk and Gilberto Nude and Fee Elimination

Her weekends are Fiuk and Gilberto Nude and Fee Elimination

It was an eventful weekend atBBB 21 “There were conspiracies and a lot of ambience between the brothers, Fei Cry, Gilberto, Arthur and Fyke.

On a Sunday, he left home with fierce rejection and Gilberto was elected as the new leader. Phuk and Jill kept their promise and jumped into the pool completely naked. Finally, a new wall is formed with Pocah, Arthur and Camila de Lucas.

A party full of weather

BBB 21: Juliet, Camilla, and Jill eat while party - Breed / Globoplay - Breed / Globoplay

BBB 21: Juliet, Camilla, and Jill ate while party

Photo: Play / Globoplay

While waiting for the party to start, the brothers remembered when Gilberto was chosen as the hero of the rift game in a large part of the house. Then Juliet recalled that the day before saying that Jill was the protagonist, Brugotta had made negative comments about him, saying that his brother was a navigator..

On hearing the comment, Pernambucan seemed uncomfortable. The attorney noticed her brother and tried to speak with her brother, but denied that he was upset.

BBB 21: Juliet, Boca and Camilla talk nonsense - Breed / Globoplay - Breed / Globoplay

BBB 21: Juliet, Boca and Camilla talk nonsense

Photo: Play / Globoplay

During the party, when A. Song With the phrase “a new leader is born”, Pocah entered the dance floor celebrating being the leader of the week. However, at this moment she looked at Camila’s face and thought that the sister closed her face to her stand and stuck something with Gilberto.

Funkeira went to ask Juliet if Camila commented on her, because at that time she saw that Paraiba made a gesture to influence her. Juliet asked her sister to go and talk directly to Camilla, and the three ended up in a quarrel due to a misunderstanding of the information.

Camila explained that she was talking to Gilberto about another matter and that Pocah misunderstood the situation.

BBB 21: Viih Tube crying out for fear of eliminating the fourteenth wall - Breed / Globoplay - Multiplayer / Globoplay

BBB 21: Viih Tube cries in fear of being thrown out on the 14th wall

Photo: Play / Globoplay

Fih Tube got drunk throughout the party and took to the fourth string crying and screaming I was wrong in my understanding that he would be eliminated in the fourteenth wall. YouTube felt relieved of Pocah, Juliet and Camila De Lucas, who tried to calm her down while Vie said she didn’t want it, but she knew she was leaving. Later, Juliet takes her to vomit and the four are back at the event.

But there was also a plague

BBB 21: Gilberto Playing Arthur and Fewock During Party - Clone / Globoplay - Clone / Globoplay

BBB 21: Gilberto plays Arthur and Focke during the party

Photo: Play / Globoplay

Friday’s party wasn’t just tension. After Jill Arthur and Phuk, who were shirtless at the party, praised the brothers Making a ‘sandwich’ with Gilberto, Which has become unruly.

BBB 21: Arthur hits Jill's butt - Breed / Globoplay - Breed / Globoplay

BBB 21: Arthur hits the back of a generation

Photo: Play / Globoplay

And it didn’t stop there: At the end of the party, Jill walked in his underwear around the house when Arthur threatened to bite off the economist’s ass. Gilberto denied this, but allowed Arthur to slap his buttocks.

BBB 21: Arthur and Phoick hit the back of a generation - clone / Globoplay - clone / Globoplay

BBB 21: Arthur and Phuke hit the back of a generation

Photo: Play / Globoplay

The game continued even after Pernambucan went to bed and Phuoc joined Arthur. Both commented on Jill’s “butt” and kept banging his ass.

BBB 21: Fiuk asks Juliet to 'give him a scent' - clone / Globoplay - clone / Globoplay

BBB 21: Fiuk asks Juliet to “smell her”

Photo: Play / Globoplay

Phuk also went after Juliet to ask for a kiss and “sniff.”. The singer, who has been celebrating Juliet for some time, pretended to bump into his sister and asked what had happened to her being there.

Paraiba replied that she lives in that house. Phuk asks for a “good night kiss” and hugs her. Brother catches her and Juliet pushes him: “Get out of here.” Phuk keeps asking for a “good night kiss”: Juliet! How ridiculous! “Sister gives Phuk a kiss, but he continues to insist on” the scent. ” I already did! Juliet says.

The colored room is closed

BBB 21: Pocah removes his belongings from the colored room - clone / Globoplay - clone / Globoplay

BBB 21: Pocah removes his belongings from the color room

Photo: Play / Globoplay

The production of “BBB 21” permanently shut down the colorful room of the house. Big Boss’s voice asked the brothers to remove their belongings from the venue, and Phuoc was happy when the participants recalled their first moments in the room.

Gill noted that it was there that the prayer wheel marked the end of the first festival reality. “That prayer was flowing there,” said Camilla de Lucas.

Phuk and Juliet are starting to feel strange again

BBB 21: Juliet and Phuk Griban in Xepa's Kitchen - clone / Globoplay - clone / Globoplay

BBB 21: Juliet and Phuk are weird in xepa’s kitchen

Photo: Play / Globoplay

Juliet was upset when she, Pocah and Camilla chose pieces of clothing while all the other participants waited to be roasted in honor of the final stage and Fei and Phuk pull the toast to speed up the sisters.

“Why were you just upset with me? Stop looking for tension, Joe,” said Phuk. Juliet replied that she was nervous by herself and mentioned the mess of glasses in the room and that she is not happy with the wall, because she loves everyone who is involved.

Fei replied, “There’s already so much in my head, in my head, that you wouldn’t feel nervous about a toast.” Paraiba later apologized to FuocTo which he replied, “You don’t have to take it on me.”


BBB 21: Brothers Shocked By Impromptu - Breed / Globoplay - Breed / Globoplay

BBB 21: The brothers are shocked by the impromptu gig

Photo: Play / Globoplay

On Saturday, the participants believed that disqualification would take place. everybody He did a massive production And he ended up doing it Be surprised to find food, drinks and music to enjoy the night.

BBB 21: The brothers star at the door waiting for something to happen - clone / Globoplay - clone / Globoplay

BBB 21: The brothers stare at the door waiting for something to happen

Photo: Play / Globoplay

The cast was furious to see that they had been phished by the production and thought something was wrong. They even looked at the garden door and waited for someone to enter the house, but nothing happened.

Fayuq erupted: “What is trolling? Fabio’s son, Jr. ignored the party’s snacks Went to xepa kitchen to eat alone.

Jill celebrates another day at BBB 21 - Cloning / Globoplay - Cloning / Globoplay

Jill celebrates another day at BBB 21

Photo: Play / Globoplay

Fei was disappointed, too. Generation, on the other hand, He got into the house, undressed, put on swimming trunks, and jumped into the pool: “Today I don’t go out.” The economist excitedly started drinking and dancing by the pool after diving.


BBB 21: Viih Tube On Stage With Leifert - Clone / Globoplay - Clone / Globoplay

BBB 21: Viih Tube on stage with Leifert

Photo: Play / Globoplay

On Sunday, at last, there was a liquidation. VieTube is the one who left the house with more than 96% of the vote. Thiago Levert indicated in the letter that the YouTuber lacks the communication of his game to the public and did not reach the percentage with his former sister during the short interview he lived while leaving.

A new leader and a wall

Arthur, Camila and Boca on the wall of BBB 21 - clone / Globoplay - clone / Globoplay

Arthur, Camilla and Boca are on the wall of BBB 21

Photo: Play / Globoplay

As soon as Fei left home, a new captain’s race began, which Gilberto won. Soon after, a new hot penis was formed. Gill pointed Camila de Lucas at the seaside wall, which pulled Pocah into the opposite cabin. Once again, Arthur was most voted by the House of Representatives.

So, Pocah, Camila De Lucas and Arthur will always be competing this week.

A promise that has been made is a promise that has been fulfilled

BBB 21: Gilberto and Fouquet jumps into the pool to celebrate the return of the Wall - cloning / Globoplay - cloning / Globoplay

BBB 21: Gilberto and Fouquet jump into the pool to celebrate the return of the wall

Photo: Play / Globoplay

And in Gilberto and Vioc, who once again escaped the court, they made a promise that they would stay at home and jump naked in the pool.

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