Hello are you fine ?
We are Everton and Fran, friends of Lê and we are here to ask for help with another of the countless treatments you have already received!
Alessandra has been undergoing treatment at the Amaral Carvalho Hospital in Gao since 2016. At the age of 37, she had Tongue cancer And I already did 10 surgeriesAfter removing two-thirds of the tongue in addition to a 3 cm tumor, after the penultimate operation. 33 radiotherapy sessions and 6 chemotherapy sessionshad a rejection of the prosthesis that was placed in the jaw and had to be removed, resulting in a OsteomyelitisHaving fractures for more than 3 months, in addition to feeling severe pain, difficulty chewing, and eating only liquid or pasty food, in addition to receiving treatment. 3 tooth channels Due to breakage. After medical evaluation and treatment b 80 sessions in a hyperbaric chamberTo be able to perform a new surgery on site, the cost of each session is about 400 pounds.00 (Every session) To start treatment, we need quantity, to start as quickly as possible to avoid worsening this infection and provide better conditions for her to undergo a new surgery. This way we can give this warrior a minimum quality of life again.
God bless you all. 🙏🏻❤️
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