Carmo Niem was arrested in the third phase of Operation Trumper, which investigates tender fraud in Cedarlandia
Carmo Niem Junior, 38 years old, underwent bariatric surgery before his arrest, and now, without the possibility of proper treatment inside prison, he is asking the state to pay for treatment at Qasim Hospital, which will be a reference in this type of treatment. Care. Name was arrested on April 3 in the third phase of Operation Trumper, which is investigating systematic tender fraud in Cedarlandia, 74 km from Campo Grande.
The prisoner was a “direct advisor” to Campo Grande councilor and former finance minister of the city, Claudio Jordão de Almeida Serra, known as “Claudinho Serra”, according to the investigation conducted by JECOC (Special Anti-Corruption Group), of the Public Ministry. From Mato Grosso do Sul he will also be an agent in one of the companies that will serve as a front for the scams.
In his request for medical treatment, his lawyer, Michel de Andrade, said that the surgery was performed on March 30, four days before the operation that led to his arrest. He also says that he needs a proper diet and that the post-operative period also includes nutritional supplements.
Furthermore, it claims that Carmo Nim suffers from so-called “dumping syndrome, a group of symptoms, including weakness and abdominal discomfort, that occurs after meals, and can also cause gallstones, malnutrition, nausea and vomiting.”
“It turns out that since the arrest of the applicant, the recommended medical monitoring and diet have been violated, medical treatment will not be effective and exposes the applicant to imminent danger to life. Based on the medical recommendation, the applicant requires regular medical and nutritional monitoring,” it highlights. Defense.
The request highlights that the prisoner received good assistance and care in the transitional prison, even with outpatient follow-up, despite this “due to the nature of the disease itself, and the ineffectiveness of the outpatient procedures he had already undergone in prison.” In recent days, in light of the urgent need for specialized medical treatment, this request is being submitted, mainly to preserve the applicant’s health.”
The request is for hospitalization for regular medical and nutritional monitoring at Qasim Hospital, which will be the hospital institution specialized in obesity treatment needs. The application is dated April 13, but has not yet been evaluated by the judge of the Criminal Court of Cedarlandia, Fernando Moreira Freitas da Silva.
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