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“He is ready”;  Ronaldo wants to take an important role from Corinthians and his name is revealed to the fans

“He is ready”; Ronaldo wants to take an important role from Corinthians and his name is revealed to the fans

Sea trip

Cruzeiro is looking for a new coach after the resignation of Vanderlei Luxemburgo, who left the club last Tuesday (28).

Ronaldo is the new owner of Cruzeiro
© Photo: Claudio Villa/Getty Images/ItalyRonaldo is the new owner of Cruzeiro

with resignation Vanderley Luxembourg, the Sea trip Looking for a new coach. Ronaldo and his peers decided that the captain could not continue in Raposa with the high monthly salaries. The idea was to cut expenses throughout the football portfolio and the coach ended up joining that list. The decision was announced last Tuesday (28).

As for the new commander, the names are being analyzed and none of the possibilities are being ruled out. This Wednesday (29), journalist Chiku Lang reported on Twitter that Ronaldo phenomenon happy b Sylvino And he can try to get him out of Corinth. The leader is still questioned by both sides of Parque São Jorge.

Miracles happen and not that the phenomenon of Ronaldo wants Sylvinho as a coach. Look, how cool… If Ronaldo achieves this feat, he will be more than just a phenomenon. Because here between us, driving Cruzeiro in the second division is perfect for Sylvinho. There, yes, he will be able to gain weight, he will be able to gain experience (…)“, mentioned.

The commentator continued to talk about the topic: “(…) There is support from Ronaldo Phenomeno and I think it is the right club for him. He does not have the power to direct Corinthians. (…) So, Sylvinho who goes to Cruzeiro is Romeo and Juliet. They are born to each other. After that he will be able to be Sylvino. The researcher… (…)“, added.

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