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Have you been fired but can’t get FGTS?  understand why

Have you been fired but can’t get FGTS? understand why

According to information from the Federal Government, the Severance Compensation Fund (FGTS) was set up with the purpose of supporting workers who have been dismissed without a valid reason, by activating an account linked to an employment contract.

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For this purpose, employers deposit monthly, in the accounts opened in the Caixa Econômica Federal, an amount equal to 8% of each employee’s salary. In the end, the workers can dispose of the total amount deposited in their names. Unfortunately, there are also cases when a trader will not be able to withdraw the full amount available in the account. Now, why does this happen? Better understanding throughout the text.

What happens in cases where it is not possible to withdraw all funds from FGTS?

after the worker Disqualified Without valid reason, he will receive a key to access the deposits made by his employers in the fund, in an active account, with reference to this specific employment contract.

It may happen that the amounts are withheld, i.e. the amount accumulates or when the worker does not withdraw at any time. In the latter case, if the previous account has not moved for a long time, it will eventually become inactive, which will prevent withdrawals.

The worker can only withdraw amounts from active accounts. Money held can also be withdrawn, but there are specific cases for this to happen.

Something that can also prevent a total withdrawal of value is if the worker adopts Christmas withdrawal while still performing his duties. With this, the professional will not be able to receive the amount deposited by the company. You will only receive a penalty of 40% calculated, taking into account the deposits made.

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When can a full or partial withdrawal be made?

There are specific situations that provide this possibility, for both active and inactive accounts. See what they are: For use in the acquisition of a home, or retirement, if the worker or their dependents are seriously ill or if the professional has not been registered for more than three years.

Other cases include: dismissal without Just a reason; termination of a fixed-term employment contract; Termination of the contract due to mutual fault or force majeure and termination of the contract due to the complete extinction or closure of the company.

How do you check the balance?

The balance can be viewed through the FGTS app, on the Caixa Econômica Federal website or the online banking services of the bank. You can also call 111 and get information.

To access the application, you only need to inform the CPF. If the worker does not have an account, it is important to register in the “User Registration” option, add the required data and follow the process described in full.