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Have you already made your appointment?  Forgotten Money pays R.29 million to one person

Have you already made your appointment? Forgotten Money pays R$3.29 million to one person

Although it is unrealistic to forget R$3.29 million in a bank account, it can happen. Proof of this is that one legal entity withdrew this amount of “forgotten money” from banks using the central bank debit system. The tool, which reopened a month ago, has already made it possible to recover R$342.2 million so far.

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This is because nearly 4.8 million people have already asked the central bank to retrieve their forgotten values. This data covers the period from March 7 to April 9.


The highest amount recovered by an individual to date was R$749,500. While the number of people who have already requested refunds of forgotten amounts already reaches 1.45 million. Information from the central bank.

In short, the foundation also states that the dues system will remain open, without interruption, so that all payable taxpayers can get a refund.


Finally, it should be noted that the reopening of the system took place on March 7, after being closed for nearly a year. To date, there have been 122.2 million receivable values ​​inquiries. However, of this total, 56.5 million, i.e. 46% have amounts to be received, while another 65.7 million (54%) have no refunds.

In total, there are 38 million individuals and 2 million other legal entities who have close to R$ 6 billion to receive. It should also be noted that it is possible to make withdrawals from accounts of deceased persons. In these cases, the heir, executor, executor or legal representative may have access to the information. In short, as in the case of queries on the values ​​of living persons, the system informs the institution and the range of amounts to be received.

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