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Has immigration increased in the UK since Brexit?

Has immigration increased in the UK since Brexit?

photo caption, Kiki Ekweek works as a carer in the seaside town of Skegness in England

“Take back control.” The Brexit campaign slogan, the United Kingdom’s departure from the European Union, was seen by many as a call to regain control of immigration policy, ending the opportunity for citizens of the European Union to live, work and study freely in the United Kingdom.

But after Brexit, the country has seen its fastest population growth since the 1960s, with migration one of the main themes of the next general election in the United Kingdom, scheduled for July 4.

But, after all, what happened?

A good starting point is the English seaside town of Skegness to understand the issue of immigration in the United Kingdom. More than three-quarters of the population there voted to leave the European Union.