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Harry Styles helps over 54,000 people in the US register to vote

Harry Styles helps over 54,000 people in the US register to vote

In partnership with HeadCount NGO, Harry Styles has helped new American voters through the project called ‘Good To Vote’

Even UK-born, it didn’t stop Harry Stiles To help US citizens register to vote in the country. In all, more than 54,000 Americans have been supported by NGOs (an acronym for “NGO”). HeadCountwho co-starred with the singer and former member of One-way.

According to the information received from paintingThe initiative, which has helped more than 54,000 people, is namedgood vote– And nearly 30 thousand registrations took place in the first 24 hours. Because of this wonderful sign, styles broke world records HeadCount One of the most successful campaign led by a musician.

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campaign with styles It came as part of the lottery, where every new voter before registered HeadCount They will enter to win tickets to the singer’s annual show,”Harrywin“Which occurred last Monday night, the 31st, at Kia ForumIn Los Angeles.

It is worth remembering how the partnership between the artist and the NGO began in September 2022 – and Andy BernsteinCo-founder and CEO of HeadCount, found that this “has a significant impact.” ‘Which – which [apoio] It is especially important for the midterm elections, which get less media attention than the presidential election. This helps us reach more potential voters and ensure that the people’s voice is heard.”

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In addition to Harry StilesAnd the HeadCount Partnerships with musicians and bands such as LizoAnd the ParamoreAnd the NoahCyrusAnd the Greta Van Fleet And the Dave Matthews Band.

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Harry Styles makes an unexpected appearance in a new clip and goes viral on the web

Released in May of this year the track ‘Music for a sushi restaurant‘, the first disc Harry’s housefinally won an official clip on Thursday, 27. With an intriguing topic, the video went viral and caught the attention of fans for bringing it Harry Stiles Very different than usual.

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In the clip, it all starts mysteriously when a singer…as it wasIt was found on the beach by the owners of a sushi restaurant. Then, surrounded by sea animals prepared by the chefs, Harry He appears to be lying on a table with a huge beard and – even more surprising – the tentacles of an octopus that have turned him into a great mermaid.

your voice then styles He manages to hypnotize the humans around him and is treated like a king – but always under the imminent danger of being chopped down by restaurant machetes. This is how a series of cool scenes take over the clip and transform the entire release.

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third track Harry’s house To win a clip, right after”as it was” And the “Talking late at night“,”Music for a sushi restaurantHe caught the attention of netizens, and in less than an hour, his video garnered more than 1 million views Youtube. pre-existing Twitterfans styles He commented not only on the characterization of the singer, but also praised his creativity in creating the clip.

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Newly released protagonist do not worry, honey and expected policemanAnd the Harry Stiles He has shows scheduled in Brazil this year. With tickets sold out, presentations will take place in São Paulo (on December 6 and 13), Rio de Janeiro (8th) and Curitiba (10th).

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Check out fan reactions below. Harry Stiles Before the new clip and the singer’s appearance:

“Proof that Harry Styles can do it all”

“Take five,” the director shouted, but Harry Styles
I heard “life changing” and went with it