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Harry says the British press has caused ‘constant embarrassment and concern to this day’ – Metro World News Australia

Harry says the British press has caused ‘constant embarrassment and concern to this day’ – Metro World News Australia

Prince Harry’s legal battle against the British government continues in the UK court and has now gained a new chapter. New court documents confirmed that the articles in The Mail on Sunday had caused “serious damage to his reputation and inflicted severe damage, embarrassment and anguish that continues to this day”. The information was released by Variety.

The new documents relate to a case Harry opened earlier this year against the British newspaper over articles published about his ongoing struggle for the British government to provide him and his family with official security when they are in the UK.

Specifically, Harry is challenging allegations in the Mail on Sunday that he lied about his offer to pay for security and that misleading reports like this “manipulate and distort public opinion” against him.

There are two processes, the first of which is related to Crown’s official security request whenever it is in the UK. As we know, Meghan and Harry lost their security team after they both left The Crown in 2020. The two are currently living in the US and complain that their personal team is unable to function as it should on British soil due to information security issues. .

For this reason, Prince Harry is asking the crown prince to review his rules and allow him and his family to be able to rely on royal security whenever they travel to the country.

In the lawsuit against the Mail On Sunday, Harry explains that misinformation is harmful because it “is an attack on your honesty and integrity and undermines your ability to engage in charitable and charitable work in general, and in efforts to combat misinformation” online in particular.”

This is not the first time that Harry and his wife Meghan Markle have sued tabloids over inaccurate reports. In February 2021, Meghan won a lawsuit against Associate Newspapers (which publishes both Mail on Sunday and Mail Online, after she brought them to court for violating their privacy by publishing a highly personal handwritten letter she sent to her father, Thomas Markle.

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“After two long years of pursuing litigation, I am grateful to the courts for holding the Associated Newspapers and Mail accountable on Sunday for their illegal and inhumane practices,” Meghan wrote in a statement issued after the ruling.

“These tactics (and those of its sister editions MailOnline and Daily Mail) are nothing new; in fact, they have gone on for so long without consequences. For these institutions, they are a game. For me and many others, it is real life, real relationships, and very real grief,” concluded the Duchess. The damage they have done and are still inflicting is severe.”