Hi Rodrigo, in good health. And you? how are you? A liberal here in the US is the opposite of a conservative. Your position is confused. Vera criticized Labor as often when it was in power, just as she criticized Bolsonaro. I used to criticize Trump and now I criticize Biden. to be a journalist. you are a fighter
%u2014 Guga Chakra %uD83D %uDC9A (gugachacra) September 14, 2022
journalist from Ready Globo Guga Chacra stated that commentator Rodrigo Constantino was “hard-core”, when responding to a comment in which an employee said radio juffum ban He cites a hypothetical situation where a left-wing parliamentarian carried out an attack similar to that of journalist Vera Magales against a Bolsonaro politician, and Chakra said Vera was not “cheating” in recommending votes. Constantinou posts the arts on his social media and reveals the number of Bolsonaro nominees. According to him, he is a “liberal with a conservative outlook”, he has no problem speaking his voice.
Hypothetical scene: A United Socialist Party parliamentarian decided to question a “Bolsonari blogger” about his public earnings. A blogger snatches his cell phone, throws it away, curses it, and sends it to that place. Black and gay parliamentarian. What is the reaction of the old press?
%u2014 Rodrigo Constantino (Rconstantino) September 14, 2022
“Vera was very critical of the Labor Party when it was in power, just as you are of Bolsonaro,” Goga said, concluding that “that is being a journalist. You (Constantino) are a hardliner.”
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