Patients report that the system has been down since Friday, but the company claims the attack occurred on Sunday (May 7); Flurry has already been a victim of “ransomware” in 2021
System Flory Group, a network of medical diagnostic laboratories, was subjected to a new hacker attack on Sunday night (May 7, 2023). The sweep took place around 7:09 p.m., according to a statement from the company. Here it is full of note (62 KB).
The company mentioned it “Turn on your security protocols” to contain the effects on operations. In addition, he stated that he would continue to investigate the circumstances of the attack.
Grupo Fleury is the largest medical diagnostic company in Brazil, with more than 200 service centers. The lab performs approximately 75 million clinical tests annually and employs more than 10,000 people.
In 2021, the group already has been targeted on one The “ransomware” attack – theft of personal data that requires a reward – is claimed by the Russian hacker group REvil.
On site complaint herePatients from Grupo Fleury have reported problems accessing and scheduling tests since Friday (May 6). They also claim collections at home have been put on hold without explanation.
a The power is 360 I called Grupo Fleury’s press office by phone at 9:17 am. The company said the system has been examined.
The company also denied, at 12:55 p.m., that the tests had been crippled according to patient reports, and stated that the hacker attack had only compromised the delivery of results. The group reported that consultations returned to normal in the early afternoon.
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