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Greater Curitiba Science Park is open with a schedule of visits

Greater Curitiba Science Park is open with a schedule of visits

Those interested in learning more about the universe, urban life, energy, environment and culture can now plan their visit to the Newton Freire Maya Science Park, located in Pinhais, in the Curitiba metropolitan area. First term appointments have been open to both the general public and school groups since last Thursday (15).

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The space was created to disseminate and popularize science, and contains five thematic pavilions called Introduction, City, Energy, Water and Earth. In each one, visitors can interact with the elements that make up the exhibition and learn more about the themes.

Visits take place Monday to Friday for school groups and on Saturday afternoons for the general public. Scheduling takes place Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., by phone – (41) 2104-6000, 2104-6001 and 2104-6002 – and if spots sell out, there is the ability to join a waiting list.

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The space also organizes specific sky observing events and lectures on science and technology. For more details, see Official website.

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