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Great news for those who have declared their income tax return;  There is money coming!

Great news for those who have declared their income tax return; There is money coming!

In advance now who wants to consult the remaining batch of IR (Income tax), he will be able to access the information via the Internet. The Federal Revenue Service has made this access available online, so that taxpayers need not leave their homes, just to check if they are entitled to a refund related to the tax.

However, according to the responsible party, the amount that will be distributed to approximately 136,565 thousand people is R$368 million. In order for users to be able to receive the amount owed to them, it is necessary to carry out the consultation as soon as possible, because in the event of any irregular details, they will have the opportunity to correct them urgently.

If you are entitled to the amount, see when the amount will be available for withdrawal
Credit: @jeanedeoliveirafotografia/pronatec.pro.br

When will the remaining amount be paid?

Many Brazilians are very anxious to know the day the payment will be made, and it is now approaching. The transfer will take place on January 31, exactly next Tuesday. The people who are entitled to this amount are those who fell into the fine net, but were able to correct what was hanging in time.

The declared value indicating the installment of R$199,291,762.86 is equivalent to the number of persons who contributed with legal priority to the remaining income tax payment.

The Federal Revenue List also alerts 103,955 people who did not contribute and were not priority, but with the right to the remainder of the income tax.

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How is the remaining income tax payment verified?

An individual who has contributed has the opportunity to check his remaining income tax return through the Federal Revenue website. Simply follow the instructions below:

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access the Federal Revenue website;

Choose the option in “My Income Tax”;

Then click on “Check Refund”.

After the procedure, the taxpayer will be able to check the statement in a complete or simplified way through the statement. If you discover any irregularities in the document, you can rest assured that the outstanding issue can be resolved.

How will income tax be paid?

The payment will be made through the account reported by the taxpayer, but if the taxpayer wants to make any kind of change, or receive it at another bank or via Pix, it is possible.

However, if by chance the amount is not available, so that you can receive it directly in the account or via Pix, you can go directly to Banco do Brasil. Before going to the bank in person, if you are unable to visualize the amount you will have to receive, you also have the option to contact us through the following phone numbers:

  • 4004-0001 (capitals);
  • 0800-729-0001 (other locations);
  • 0800-729-0088 (exclusively for people with hearing impairments).
What are the main reasons that pushed shareholders to the fine network:
  • 41.9% – income omission (from landlords and authorized dependents);
  • 28.6% – deductions from the basis of calculation (the main reason for the deduction: medical expenses);
  • 21.9% – differences in the amount of the IRRF between what was declared by the payer and what was declared by the individual (lack of information on the beneficiary, discrepancy between amounts);
  • 7.6% – deductions from the tax due, receipt of accrued profits, discrepancies in information related to the payment of carne-leão and/or additional tax.
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