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Google Wallet wins Digital CNH for Android version

Google Wallet wins Digital CNH for Android version

a Google Wallet You’ve acquired a long-awaited job: access to a US National Driver’s License. The feature is being tested in beta and hence, crashes may occur.

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In this sense, Google suggests that at present, the user also carries their physical wallet.


The job is now being tested for androidNow available in the iOS app version in Arizona, Colorado, and Maryland. However, to access the new version, the user must have a cell phone with Android 8 or higher.

The digital CNH in the app highlights the following features:

  • Easy: At a TSA checkpoint, just tap, review, and confirm
  • Private: You control what you share your identity with and who can see it
  • Secure: Your ID is securely encrypted and stored on your device, so only you can access it.

How to add CNH to Google Wallet

To register the document, it is necessary to send photos of the front and back of the file driver’s licenseIn addition to a short video showing the user’s face. According to google, this information will be sent to the CNH issuer and then to the application storage system.

Over time, Google also ensures that digital CNH is stored locally and on a single device, be it a cell phone or a tablet. Finally, it is possible to remove images from the application at any time from the Google account.

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