The accessibility of game development has made this process faster and easier. The problem is that not all products are necessarily positive or will add something good to people’s lives. Some of them even violate human rights.
This is the case of the so-called “Slavery Simulator”, a “game” that until a few days ago was available for download And monetize it through ads within Google Play.
The so-called “game” was removed from the air only after complaints and protests from users on social networks. paying off.
Google Play bans Magnus games for ‘Slavery Simulator’
In the so-called “slavery simulator”, the player had fun pretending to be the owner of slaves, who were almost always portrayed as people from ethnic minorities, such as blacks, browns, and indigenous people. In the “game” the owner of the slaves used the means of torture to punish and profit from them.
As the description states, the Game It’s very offensive to society as a whole, but especially to the black community, which has a historical past marked by slavery that goes back to the present day.
After community protests, mainly ConnectedThe title was removed from the air last Wednesday (05/24). But the question remains: Who benefits from this type of content?
Accordingly, Google Play announced last Saturday (27/5) the ban on the developer Magnus Games from your platform. In addition, the Educafro Association requested compensation of R$100 million based on Articles 1, 2, 4 and 7 of Law No. 7347/1985 (General Civil Procedure Code).
According to Educafro and based on Brazilian law, a general civil action is applicable to protect against damages to the consumer, the honor and dignity of racial and ethnic groups, as well as any scattered interest.
For a company that earns R$1.7 million per minute, compensation isn’t very expensive.
Locate the developer
a Magnus Gamesa producer based in Malaysia, has not taken an official position on the matter, but left a message in the game itself:
“The game was created for entertainment purposes only. Our studio condemns slavery in any form. All game content is fictional and not related to specific historical events. All coincidences are accidental.”
However, the warning is not enough to justify an apology for racism and slavery. After all, some of the user comments available about the game on the platform revealed the racist and offensive ideas they already had.
Watch the rating of the player, Mateusz Schizovrenic, who gave the maximum score and commented:
“A great game to pass the time. But I think it was lacking in more torture options. They can ‘pop’ the slave skin option too.”
And Google with that?
It should be noted that all content available on app distribution stores is subject to internal moderation before reaching the public.
However, the most tech-savvy users know that Google Play is not the store that pays the most attention to the type of content that gets there, since many Programming Malicious items are being distributed there and the company doesn’t seem to be moving enough to stop it.
However, this does not exclude the liability of these companies. by making it available games When they condone crime, they show that they are not complying with their own politics. If not, they say they condone racism. That’s another story.
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