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Golf carts are replacing automobiles in America

Golf carts are replacing automobiles in America

A somewhat unusual trend is in coastal towns and small communities across the United States. Many residents choose to adopt popular golf carts for everyday use due to the practicality of electricity.

Among the decisive factors for residents when deciding on a model: economy – since they use much less energy than conventional ones – ease of operation and movement, thanks to their compact design.

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  • Golf carts are also an ecological alternative because they consume less gasoline than traditional vehicles;
  • Compared to conventional combustion engines, they are able to reduce their carbon footprint by operating on rechargeable batteries that consume energy and generate polluting gases;
  • With lower consumption and higher sustainability, vehicles become more economical.

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Versatile and easily adaptable

Another great feature of compact electric vehicles is their versatility and ease of adaptation. Whether for daily activities, walking, or carrying goods, vehicles are increasingly becoming a part of Americans’ daily locomotion.

With this perspective in mind, automakers have increased the range of features and functions of golf carts to reflect the needs and comforts of travelers. Low speed and ease of entry and exit complete the model’s proposition. Another great feature of the tram is its accessibility. Cities such as Peachtree City, Georgia have adopted automobiles on a large scale and include dedicated roads.

With varying costs, golf carts start at US$ 8 thousand (about R$ 40.1 thousand in direct conversion), but can reach up to US$ 12 thousand (R$ 60.2 thousand) depending on customization.

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