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Golden Nintendo Wii game made for Elizabeth II is on sale for $ 300K |  Video game

Golden Nintendo Wii game made for Elizabeth II is on sale for $ 300K | Video game

One Nintendo Wii Plated 24K gold is up for sale for US $ 300,000 (approx. R $ 1.6 million). The luxurious console was produced specifically for Queen Elizabeth II of England and was announced by Collector in EBay this week. According to the auction announcement, the premium Wii works perfectly. However, the most noticeable feature of the model was its price, which, according to Consolevariations, would be used by the current owner of the platform to purchase a home.

The piece was created as part of a marketing campaign by THQ To promote the Big Family Games collection, which was launched for the Wii in 2009. The console was sent to the British Royal Family as a gift, but ended up being rejected because the Royal Family has a policy of not getting involved in commercial proceedings. So in 2017, the real Wii ended up in the hands of the current owner, who is Dutch.

The Nintendo Wii comes complete with a gold-plated console also and a copy of Big Family Games – Image: Reproduction / eBay

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The Deluxe Edition contains 8 GB of data, in a user account called “THQ”. It works with version 3.2E of the system, available in February 2008. The seller describes the condition of the console, stating that there are no visible signs of use, except for some marks under the device, left by the red cloth from the pad used in the original advertising photos. According to the ad, only the console’s standard motion control, the Wii Remote, is showing a certain level of wear, indicating that the accessory has been in use for some time.

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Additionally, there are guarantees that the buyer will have access to documents legitimizing the unit as a Queen’s Wii. This material is also part of the package, as it is sent in frames and in digital format to anyone who invests in the lot.

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